Dermal Fillers in Philadelphia, PA

Botox and Juvéderm Dermal Fillers

At Absolute Smile, we offer a wide range of services in Philadelphia, including cosmetic injectables, to help you look your best – youthful and healthy. Botox Cosmetic and Juvéderm are two of the solutions we provide for those who want to fight wrinkles. Both are FDA-approved procedures. We can help you improve the skin around your smile using these treatments.

Why Choose a Dentist for Skin Treatments?

We are uniquely trained to provide our clients with exceptional results, including more oral-facial knowledge than others in the profession. We are TMD and facial pain experts, trained in the best methods for augmentation, and experienced with injections.

Is Botox Cosmetic Right for You?

This procedure is a non-surgical treatment. Applied through an injection, it can reduce the appearance of moderate to severe lines on the skin, including near the mouth, eyebrows, forehead, and eyes. We can also use it to help improve “gummy smiles” in most people. The results last about four months.

Botox Therapeutic Could Be the Right Choice

This procedure is very safe for most people and can be used to resolve medical issues such as teeth clenching, teeth grinding , muscle spasms, and TMJ disorder. An injection into the right area encourages the muscles there to relax, alleviating the pain by reducing the contraction.

Could Dermal Fillers Work for You?

We also offer dermal fillers such as Juvéderm™ or Radiesse®. These are designed to reduce the appearance of the skin. These can be used to treat smile lines, scars, vertical lines that run just above your lips, lips, and paths near your mouth’s corners. It is a non-painful injection that helps create more volume to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

At Absolute Smile , we want to give you the tools you need in Philadelphia, including cosmetic injectables, to see the skin you desire. Reach out to us today for a consultation for any of these services.

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life

Are you unsure if cosmetic dentistry is right for you? Not sure if it is worth it? Check out this FREE article that will help you understand!

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